AccuracyAccuracy refers to the ability to produce grammatically correct sentences that are comprehensible. |
Achievement AssessmentsAssessment instruments or procedures based on the objectives of a course, used to determine how much of the course content students have learned. |
AcquisitionPicking up a language through meaningful conversation the way children pick up languages. Acquisition will occur when a learner is exposed to meaningful, comprehensible input. |
AimsThings that you hope will be done or achieved during an activity or lesson. |
Analytic RubricsA common and valid method of assessing second language writing or speaking. They can be very useful for grading and providing focused feedback. |
ApproachA set of principles about teaching including views on method, syllabus, and a philosophy of language and learning. Approaches have theoretical backing with practical applications. |
ArticlesEnglish language has both indefinite (a/an) and one definite (the) articles. Articles are one of the first parts of speech introduced to learners, but one of the last to be acquired. The evidence suggests that articles cannot be taught, but are acquired over a long period of time. |