Bottom-upLanguage learning that proceeds from the most basic parts of language, such as words, then advances to more complex structures such as complex sentences and grammar, before finally arriving at an understanding of meaning. |
Bound MorphemeA morpheme that cannot stand on its own, but must be attached to another morpheme; the prefixes “un-“ and “re-“ are examples of bound morphemes. |
CALLComputer-Assisted Language Learning. Includes use of computer-based language programs such as ESL-specific software, educational podcasts, web pages, and CD-ROMs for educational purposes. |
ChantsShort repetitive songs or rhythms that can be implemented to introduce or reinforce lesson material for second language students. Educators can use chants in small or whole group activities to help EFL learners become comfortable with the process of language acquisition. |
Class ContractDocumentation used to negotiate
with your students on the rules for the classroom and the consequences for
violating them. |
ClauseA group of words that always contains a subject
and a verb in combination. |
Close ExerciseA gap-fill exercise with regularly-spaced gaps (e.g.,
every sixth word has been deleted). |