Friday, January 17, 2025, 12:15 PM
Site: Online TEFL Course Login | International TEFL Academy
Course: Online TEFL Course Login | International TEFL Academy (Home)
Glossary: ITA Online - Glossary
IdiomA group of words that, via usage, has
established a special meaning apart from the individual words within; the idiom
“let the cat out of the bag” has nothing to do with feline animals being
released from captivity, but rather means “to reveal a secret.” |
Immediate FeedbackFeedback provided at the moment something is
uttered by a student, which has the benefit of directing student attention to
an utterance right after it is spoken. |
Indo-European Language FamilyA language family of mostly European languages
that consists of 10 main branches. English derives from one of the main
branches, the Germanic branch. |
Inflectional MorphemeA morpheme added to a word without changing the word’s part of speech. |
Information Gap ActivityAn activity in which one student knows something
that the other doesn’t. Usually, students work in pairs and are given two
worksheets with some information missing in worksheet A but present on
worksheet B, and vice versa. Such gaps of information between learners give
them a need and desire to communicate with each other. |
Intensive ReadingReading for details, such as vocabulary, main
idea, inferences, and author’s tone and purpose. |
Intesive ListeningListening with a
specific purpose in mind (i.e., listening for details and selective information). |