AccuracyAccuracy refers to the ability to produce grammatically correct sentences that are comprehensible. |
Achievement AssessmentsAssessment instruments or procedures based on the objectives of a course, used to determine how much of the course content students have learned. |
AcquisitionPicking up a language through meaningful conversation the way children pick up languages. Acquisition will occur when a learner is exposed to meaningful, comprehensible input. |
AimsThings that you hope will be done or achieved during an activity or lesson. |
Analytic RubricsA common and valid method of assessing second language writing or speaking. They can be very useful for grading and providing focused feedback. |
ApproachA set of principles about teaching including views on method, syllabus, and a philosophy of language and learning. Approaches have theoretical backing with practical applications. |
ArticlesEnglish language has both indefinite (a/an) and one definite (the) articles. Articles are one of the first parts of speech introduced to learners, but one of the last to be acquired. The evidence suggests that articles cannot be taught, but are acquired over a long period of time. |
AssimilationA natural process in connected speech whereby sounds (i.e. phonemes) change or blend together based on the preceding or following sound. This change is made naturally by native speakers to facilitate pronunciation. |
AssociationConnecting ideas and concepts together as they relate
to certain experiences. Association can help students remember new vocabulary
by connecting new words to words with similar meanings or by helping students
make their own personal connections. |
Asynchronous Online LearningOnline lessons that
do not require students to be online at any particular time. These classes are
often pre-developed courses consisting of content or modules that students work
through without the real-time assistance of an instructor. |
Audiolingual MethodA language-learning method characterized by
memorization of dialogues, as well as use
of language labs. Students are drilled through dialogues in an effort to
instill language forms. Audiolingualism is based on behaviorism. In this model,
error correction is essential to prevent bad habits. |
Aural/Auditory LearnerLearner who benefits more from hearing input.
Aural/auditory learners respond well to oral instruction as opposed to visual
instruction. |
Authentic MaterialsResources that are used in English-speaking countries by native speakers. These are real-world selections produced for a native English-speaking audience, without consideration for the second language learner. Examples include newspapers, books, brochures, leaflets, menus, tickets, bank cards, library cards, etc. |
Blended LearningAn approach that
combines both traditional classroom teaching and online educational tools to
create a hybrid or “blended” learning experience. |
Bottom-upLanguage learning that proceeds from the most basic parts of language, such as words, then advances to more complex structures such as complex sentences and grammar, before finally arriving at an understanding of meaning. |
Bound MorphemeA morpheme that cannot stand on its own, but must be attached to another morpheme; the prefixes “un-“ and “re-“ are examples of bound morphemes. |
CALLComputer-Assisted Language Learning. Includes use of computer-based language programs such as ESL-specific software, educational podcasts, web pages, and CD-ROMs for educational purposes. |
ChantsShort repetitive songs or rhythms that can be implemented to introduce or reinforce lesson material for second language students. Educators can use chants in small or whole group activities to help EFL learners become comfortable with the process of language acquisition. |
Class ContractDocumentation used to negotiate
with your students on the rules for the classroom and the consequences for
violating them. |
ClauseA group of words that always contains a subject
and a verb in combination. |
Close ExerciseA gap-fill exercise with regularly-spaced gaps (e.g.,
every sixth word has been deleted). |
CLTCommunicative Language Teaching. CLT is a
teaching approach that emphasizes interaction between students or between
student(s) and teacher(s). The approach emphasizes use of authentic real-world
communication for meaningful purposes. |
CMCComputer-Mediated Communication. Refers to using computer technology,
such as web chat programs or web conferencing tools (e.g., Zoom, Skype), to
communicate with others. |
CognateA word having the same derivation in two languages and that is similar in both languages, not only in meaning, but also in spelling and pronunciation; “information” is a cognate of the Spanish word “información”. |
CollocationsWords that tend to be associated with each
other, or co-occur in sentences, such as salt and pepper, up and down, wedding
vows, etc. Collocates are important in EFL because they help to explain why
some learner language is grammatically correct and the meaning is apparent, yet
the utterance seems strange and not something natives usually say. |
Communicative ApproachA set of principles about teaching where the focus is on meaningful communication not structure. |
Communicative CompetenceUnderstanding and using language effectively
(e.g., the student listens actively, initiates
conversation, and maintains speech with peers) in an authentic school or
social situation. |
Communicative OutputOutput-based tasks (e.g., role play activities
or paragraph-writing tasks) in a lesson that requires the use of target
language. |
Community Language LearningA teaching approach focusing on
student-to-student and student-to-teacher relationships to establish a healthy
language learning environment. |
Comprehensible InputA hypothesis that learners will acquire language best
when the material is comprehensible to them. The input should be accessible so
that they can understand it, but it should be just beyond their level of
competence. Input will lead to acquisition so long as the input is challenging,
yet easy enough to understand without conscious effort at learning. If the
learner is at level i, then input should come at level i+1. I+1 means that
material is comprehensible with a few new forms for students to naturally
acquire. |
ConjugationThe inflection and various spellings of verbs.
Conjugation may be affected by person, number, gender, tense, aspect, mood, or
voice. |
Content-Based Instruction (CBI)A teaching method that focuses on content or
contexts in which students would use English instead of solely focusing on
grammar. A topic or theme is chosen and all language aspects are taught through
that topic or theme. |
Cooperative LearningWhen students work in small groups toward social
and academic learning goals. Small mixed groups allow ESL students to feel at
ease while learning English. Peers in the group support the new language
learners as they discuss the lesson material in English. The group atmosphere
provides a non-threatening environment for students and self-confidence is
strengthened. |
Corrective FeedbackFeedback highlighting
(and possibly correcting) student errors in speech, such as mispronunciations
or grammatical errors. |
Course GoalsLarger course aims for an extended period of
time as opposed to learning objectives, which usually state what a student will
be able to do at the end of a lesson. Course goals are often stated in terms of
broad course content and tasks, or what a student will do over the length of a course. |
Cultural DimensionsCategories reflecting attitudes in different
cultures that can be viewed on scales such as equality vs. hierarchy, direct vs.
indirect, individual vs. group, and task vs. relationship. |
Culture ShockA series of stages (honeymoon, culture-shock,
adjustment, reverse culture shock) experienced by a person who is immersed in a
foreign culture. The length of each stage varies from person to person and
depends on previous travel experience, openness to new cultures, and
willingness to adjust. |
Deep CulturePeople’s attitudes, beliefs, and core values that
constitute the main part of our cultural differences. Some examples include our
attitudes toward gender, social status, age, raising children, perception of time, role of family, etc. |
Delayed FeedbackFeedback provided after the fact, once a student
has finished speaking. It allows a teacher to provide constructive comments without
interrupting student speech. |
Diagnostic AssessmentAn assessment instrument or procedure that
attempts to diagnose, or identify, a learner’s strengths and weaknesses,
typically so that an efficient and appropriate course of instruction can be
presented. |
DifferentiationA teaching approach in which different
instructional methods and techniques are implemented based on the individual
needs of learners. |
Diphthong |
Direct MethodA method of language learning associated with
Francois Gouin and Charles Berlitz. Second language learning should model first
language learning in that it should be learned directly; grammar is taught inductively with no explanations, the
learner’s first language is not used in the class, and new vocabulary is
introduced by demonstration. One of many highly idiosyncratic methods that were
developed in the 1970’s. |
Discourse MarkersA
class of spoken or written language that connects speech or written text
together. In spoken language, for example, words such as “so” and “well” might
be used to connect ideas or shift the conversation. In written language, the
transition words “however” or “on the other hand” are used to show contrast.
Both the spoken and written examples function to connect or show a relationship
between past and future language. |
DramaA method to introduce role play activities
involving all students in the classroom in order to enhance language
acquisition for ESL students. Stories can be acted out to reinforce
comprehension skills and language skills, and learners absorb the rhythm and
meanings of words in the new language. A fun way to learn without as many inhibitions. |
DrillAn activity in which students repeat the same
(or slightly changed) words, phrases, or sentences after the teacher in order
to memorize the newly introduced language. |
EAPEnglish for Academic Purposes. An EAP program
aims to teach English language skills as well as help students develop
necessary academic study skills for a future in an academic program. |
EFLEnglish as a Foreign Language. A program for
students learning English in their native country where English is not spoken (e.g.,
Korean students learning English in South Korea, or Polish students learning
English in Poland). |
ElicitingA technique that involves drawing language from
students rather than giving it to them. |
ElisionA term used in the field of linguistics that refers to the natural
omission or “skipping” of sounds in fluent spoken language. |
ELLEnglish Language Learner. |
ELTEnglish Language Teaching. |
EmpathyAlthough the educator may not be familiar with
the ESL student’s culture or language, a strong attempt must be made to
validate the student’s first language. It is very important that the teacher of
an ESL learner empathize with the student’s position. The instructor should try
to imagine what the ESL student is experiencing after being immersed in a new
culture and new language for the first time. |
Error CorrectionAn important issue for ESL teachers is when and
how to correct the errors of language learners. Some researchers feel there is
no need to correct errors at all, as errors will automatically correct over
time. However, some researchers think that error correction is necessary in
order to “get it right from the beginning” as opposed to in the end. Different
classroom theories propose different solutions for error correction. |
ESLEnglish as a Second Language. A program for
students from other countries who are learning English in an English-speaking
country (e.g., Korean students learning English in the U.S., or Polish students
learning English in England). |
ESOLEnglish for Speakers of Other Languages. This
term is similar to ESL, but it has been argued that many students learn English
as a third or fourth language and not necessarily as a second language, so ESL
is not really accurate; therefore, some programs prefer to use the term ESOL. |
ESPEnglish for Specific Purposes. This term refers
to the vocabulary and English skills that students learn when they need to use
English for only a specific purpose (e.g., in business contexts, BE/BFE, or at
university, EAP). |
Experiential LearningA process of learning that encourages students
to learn by doing and then reflect on that learning. Realia and authentic
materials encourage experiential learning, as do activities like scavenger
hunts, case studies, and role plays. |
Extensive ListeningListening for
holistic ideas such as gist, context, speaker’s function, purpose, and
attitude. |
Extensive ReadingReading for pleasure outside of the classroom,
usually with texts that are below a student’s current level. |
False FriendA word that appears to be a cognate of a word in
another language but is not; the Spanish word “embarazada” means pregnant and is, therefore, a false friend of the
English word “embarrassed.” |
FluencyFluency is the ability to produce rapid, flowing, natural speech, without concern for grammatical correctness. |
Free MorphemeA morpheme that can stand on its own and have meaning. |
Grammar Translation MethodThis method was used a long time ago in the
teaching of Latin. The method focuses on translating grammatical forms and
learning rules. Its focus is on accuracy and not fluency. |
Grammatical FormThe written or spoken pattern of the grammatical
structure. For example, the form of the present continuous is subject + am/is/are + verb-ing (“Anna is singing”). |
Grammatical MeaningThe semantic meaning of a grammar structure. For
example, the sentence “Anna is singing” includes the present continuous, which
communicates that the action started before now and is occurring at the present moment. |
Grammatical UseThe pragmatic use of a grammatical structure.
For example, one common use of present continuous is the description of a
photograph or drawing: “In this picture, the kids are playing a game of soccer.
It is raining.” |
Graphic OrganizersClassroom visual aids including tables, Venn
diagrams, charts, timelines, and any graphic representation of a relationship
between a set of ideas. |
Holistic scoringA scoring procedure typically used in writing
assessment in which the reader reacts to the student’s composition as a whole. A
single score is awarded to the writing. |
IdiomA group of words that, via usage, has
established a special meaning apart from the individual words within; the idiom
“let the cat out of the bag” has nothing to do with feline animals being
released from captivity, but rather means “to reveal a secret.” |
Immediate FeedbackFeedback provided at the moment something is
uttered by a student, which has the benefit of directing student attention to
an utterance right after it is spoken. |
Indo-European Language FamilyA language family of mostly European languages
that consists of 10 main branches. English derives from one of the main
branches, the Germanic branch. |
Inflectional MorphemeA morpheme added to a word without changing the word’s part of speech. |
Information Gap ActivityAn activity in which one student knows something
that the other doesn’t. Usually, students work in pairs and are given two
worksheets with some information missing in worksheet A but present on
worksheet B, and vice versa. Such gaps of information between learners give
them a need and desire to communicate with each other. |
Intensive ReadingReading for details, such as vocabulary, main
idea, inferences, and author’s tone and purpose. |
Intesive ListeningListening with a
specific purpose in mind (i.e., listening for details and selective information). |
IntonationThe musical patterns of speech, either raising
(e.g., in yes/no questions) or falling (e.g., in statements and wh-questions). |
Intrinsic MotivationMotivation in learning that comes from within. |
IPAInternational Phonetic Alphabet. A
Latin-alphabet based system of phonetic notation
devised to help standardize representation of the sounds of spoken language. |
JigsawA classroom activity involving different groups
of students reading or listening to different content. When they join together
as a group, they report back and compare what they have learned in order to
fully understand each part of the activity. |
JournalsA learning log where ESL students have the
opportunity to record material learned in the classroom and write about
feelings concerning their new language experiences. Teachers have a chance to
closely observe the journal for academic progress and second language
acquisition. |
L1Family language, or mother tongue. |
L2Second language, or a language that is not the mother. |
Language ItemThe smallest parts of a language, such as a new
vocabulary word. |
Language SkillsThere are four language skills: listening,
speaking, reading, and writing. Listening and reading are receptive skills,
while speaking and writing are productive skills. |
Learning StrategiesIndividual tasks or activities that help
learners to foster independent learning or to engage in independent learning. There
are direct strategies for managing language, and indirect strategies for learning
in general. |
Learning StylesTerm used to indicate individual student
preferences for learning. |
Lexical ItemA word, a phrase, or a number of words that can
be considered to be a single item of vocabulary (e.g., bus, bus stop, school
bus stop). |
Lexical SetA set of words that are connected in some way,
usually by type (e.g., different items of clothing, vocabulary describing the weather,
etc.). |
LexisAnother word for “vocabulary.” |
Lingua FrancaA language systematically used to make
communication possible between people not sharing a first language. |
LTTTLimit Teacher Talking Time. The idea that students should be more active in a lesson and do more of the talking. |
MALLMobile-Assisted Language Learning. Includes the
use of mobile devices such as cellular mobile phones, tablets, etc. that are
used for educational purposes. |
ManipulativesConcrete objects used to demonstrate learning
concepts. The use of manipulatives appeals to ESL students’ senses in order to
enhance the meaning of the presented information. Students have the opportunity
to hear, see, and touch manipulatives to promote the learning process and
language acquisition. |
Meaningful InputLesson input (usually a reading text or
listening passage) that includes target language within a meaningful context. |
MetalanguageThe language used to describe language items
(e.g., grammar terminology) or used in class to give instructions or explanations. |
MethodHow a language is taught. A method is made up of
a set of techniques that reflect a certain philosophy of language teaching. |
Minimal PairsTwo words that contain all the same phonemes
(sounds) except for one (e.g., sheep and ship, or rice and
lice). Minimal pairs are useful for practicing discriminating between
two difficult phonemes (sounds). |
ModelingAn ESL teacher demonstrates the learning
activity as the students watch. After showing the students what to do, the
teacher repeats the demonstration as learners follow along. Soon the students
are capable of performing the task without hesitation. This type of modeling by
a teacher helps ESL students become comfortable with classroom activities and
helps them to know what is expected on assignments. |
smallest meaningful unit in the grammar of a language that cannot be further
divided. For instance, unhappy has two morphemes, “un” which means not
and “happy” which means joyful. Both of these two morphemes carry
meaning and cannot be further divided. |
MorphologyThe study of word structure, root words, new
word creation, word changes, and morphemes that go into building words. |
Multisensory ActivitiesPlanned lesson activities that tap into more
than one of the senses. Learning can be enhanced through hands-on activities
that give ESL learners an opportunity to absorb information through their
senses. There is a Chinese saying that describes the benefits of this: “Tell
me, I forget; show me, I remember; involve me, I understand.” ESL students need
to be totally involved in their learning. |
Needs AnalysisUsing questionnaires and interviews to find out what
students need or want to study. |
Non-verbal CommunicationA type of communication including body language: gestures, eye movement, posture,
appearance, facial expressions, body contact, etc. Nonverbal communication can
vary from culture to culture. |
ObjectiveThings that you hope will be done or achieved by
the end of an activity or a lesson. |
Passive VoiceA sentence where the subject is receiving the action. This is contrasted with the active voice, where the subject is doing the action. To form the passive voice you use the verb “to be” plus the past participle. The Merchant of Venice was written by Shakespeare. A man was taken to the police station. |
PBLProject-Based Learning. A teaching approach that
consists of using projects – usually research projects – to further learning in
the classroom. |
PhonemeThe smallest sound that can make a difference in
meaning. For example, the word sheep has five letters but only three phonemes
(“sh,” “ee,” and “p”). |
PhonologyThe study of phonemes (sounds), intonation, word
stress, sentence stress, rhythm, and connected speech. |
Phrasal VerbTwo- or three-part verbs, usually with prepositions, that take on a different meaning than their separate parts suggest. Some examples include: to go out with = to date / to bring up = to raise a topic in conversation / to look after = to watch |
Placement TestsAn assessment instrument or procedure used to
determine a student’s language skills relative to the levels of a particular
program he or she is about to enter. |
Positive FeedbackPraise for correct or well-spoken utterances or
speech, something that can be motivating for learners. Positive feedback is
more effective when it is more specific and might include something like
highlighting correct grammar or improvement in pronunciation. |
PPPPresentation, Practice, Production. A method or model to teaching and lesson planning based on the idea of giving (presenting) small
items of language to students, providing them with opportunities to use it in
controlled ways (practice), and finally integrating it with other known
language in order to communicate (production). |
PracticeA stage in a lesson during which students and
the teacher (or teaching materials, such as a reading text) use the presented
language in controlled and monitored activities. During this stage students get
additional practice forming sentences with the new language structure. For
example, students complete a text with new words or students answer teacher’s
questions using a new structure. |
PragmaticsUnderstanding when language is appropriate to
use according to the context or situation surrounding it, which is often a
question of formality. |
PrefixA bound morpheme placed at the beginning of a
word that alters the meaning of the word or root it is attached to (e.g., the
prefix “un” in unmoved means “not.”). |
PresentationA stage in a lesson during which the teacher
gives or presents new language – new vocabulary or a new grammar structure – to
the students. |
ProductionA stage in a lesson during which students use
the newly introduced and practiced language in an open-ended structure in their
own speech or writing. For example, students write a story with the new words
and phrases. |
RapportA teacher’s relationship or connection with their
students based on learners’ positive feelings for their teacher. |
RealiaAny objects used in
the classroom that bring the class to life (i.e., relate classroom teaching to the real world). |
Realistic MaterialsMaterials that have been developed with the second
language learner specifically in mind; they generally accompany ESL/EFL texts
or are produced by the teacher for specific students. |
Receptive SkillsWhen the learner is receiving incoming language
(listening or reading). |
term used for shortened forms of spoken words. For example, native speakers are
likely to pronounce “could have” as “coulda” and “going” to as “gonna” in
regular speech. |
style or type of language used within a particular context. For example,
ESL/EFL students must learn to distinguish language that is used in formal
registers (e.g., job interview of business email) versus language that is used
in informal registers (e.g., relaxed situations or communication with friends). |
RhythmThe combination of stressed and unstressed parts
of a sentence. |
Role PlayAn activity during which students imagine
themselves in a situation outside the classroom (e.g., in a restaurant), and
play the role of someone else (e.g., a waitress), and use language appropriate
to this new context. The situation, characters, and problem (task) may be
written on role play cards by the teacher to encourage more creative scenarios
and better language production. |
RoutineEstablishing classroom routines that allow ESL
students to become familiar with what happens in the classroom every day. The
repetitive tasks help second language learners to become comfortable in a safe
classroom environment. Self-confidence will be gained if these students know
the order in which activities occur daily. |
RubricsMeasuring scales that reveal to students what is
expected of them on particular assessments. Rubrics list the academic work involved
and state the criteria expected for an exemplary score and the criteria for
lower scores on assignments.
ScanningLooking for or listening for specific bits of
information to answer a query. |
SchemaA theory stating that a student brings in his or
her own knowledge and experiences when trying to read or listen to a
text/selection. |
SchwaSchwa /ǝ/ is the smallest English vowel sound.
It is the most frequent vowel sound in continuous (connected) speech, yet it
never carries stress. |
Second Language Acquisition (SLA)When ESL students are capable of internalizing
the new (second) language and communicating effectively. The educator needs to
implement modifications in classroom instruction until the second language
learner has mastered English. Speaking English for simple communication will
happen in the early acquisition stages; however, complete language acquisition
takes at least five to seven years. (see “Acquisition”) |
SegmentalsIndividual phonemes (i.e., sounds) of vowels and
consonants. |
Self-AssessmentProcedures by which learners evaluate their own
language skills and/or knowledge, allowing ESL students to assess their own
work and observe their progress. For example, a self-assessment form may be
used to record students’ thoughts and feelings about the presented work.
Students are given the responsibility to assess themselves and actively be a
part of their academic success. |
SemanticsThe meaning of language,
such as a word’s common synonyms, definition(s), and metaphorical meanings. |
Silent WayA designer method whereby the teacher remains mostly silent in order to encourage students to solve their own problems. Originated by Caleb Gattegno in the 1970’s, this method was meant to foster learning through discovery. Students were given Cuisenaire rods and used these colored rods to figure out the patterns of language based on a few examples given by the teacher. |
SkimmingA top-down activity where a learner quickly
reads some material to find the gist. |
SongsA variety of songs can be implemented in
classroom activities to introduce or reinforce content-area material. The
rhythms and the repetitive words sung in songs enhance the comprehension of the
presented learning concepts for ESL students. ESL students tend to remember
information through classroom song activities. |
StageOne distinct part of a lesson, commonly a single
activity. |
StreamingA grouping strategy that involves putting
students together according to their language ability, either mixing strong and
weak students, or grouping them at the same level. |
StressThe syllables in words that are longer, louder,
and higher-pitched. At the word level, stress
falls on syllables. At the sentence level, stress falls on content words
(e.g., nouns, verbs, adjectives, and sometimes adverbs) while function words
(e.g., pronouns, determiners, prepositions, and auxiliary verbs) are
de-stressed. |
STTStudent Talking Time. The amount of time that
students get to talk within a lesson. In a student-centered classroom, STT
should be increased, while TTT – Teacher Talking Time – should be decreased. |
Student-CenteredLanguage activities, techniques, and methods in
which learners are the focus and the teacher plays only a peripheral role.
Students are allowed some control over activities and some input into the
curriculum. These activities encourage student creativity and autonomous learning.
Group work is one kind of student-centered activity. |
SuffixA bound morpheme attached to the end of a word
that often changes the word’s part of speech, and sometimes its meaning, but (in the case of inflectional
morphemes) can also simply change nouns to plural or indicate a change in verb
tense. |
SuggestopediaA humanistic teaching method where instructors
strive to create an environment conducive to learning by utilizing tools such
as relaxing wall colors, background music, and artwork. |
features such as stress, rhythm, intonation, pitch, linking, pausing, and
thought groups. Whereas segmentals refer to individual sounds,
suprasegmentals extend past this and refer to things such as a string of
sounds, syllables, words, phrases or sentence level sound features. |
Surface CulturePeople’s behaviors, actions, and practices, such as language, manners, customs, food, music, clothing, art, and literature. |
Synchronous Online LearningClasses that take place entirely online and have
a component which requires the student and teacher to both be online at a
specified time. Synchronous courses can include phone conferencing, video
conferencing, or chat. |
SyntaxThe study of how words function together to
create units like phrases, clauses or sentences. This includes word order, sentence formation,
question formation, and parts of speech (articles, nouns, verbs, etc.). |
TaskAn activity where students are urged to solve
some problem using language. This activity is open-ended; there is no set way
to accomplish their goal. |
Task-Based LearningTeaching/learning a language by using language
to accomplish open-ended tasks. Learners are given an objective to accomplish
but are left with some freedom in determining how to complete the objective. |
Teacher ObservationAuthentic assessment that involves observing the
progress (or lack thereof) of language acquisition in the classroom. Notes are
commonly taken by the teacher during observations to discuss what was seen and
heard during classroom activities. This pertinent data can be presented during
student or parent conferences. |
Teacher-CenteredMethods, activities, and techniques where the
teacher decides what and how something is to be learned. |
TechniqueA specific tactic used to carry out a chosen
teaching method. |
TEFLTeaching English as a Foreign Language. Typically
geared toward learning the language for specific purposes such as business and
is learned by students living in non-English-speaking countries. |
TESLTeaching English as a Second Language. Typically
geared toward learning the language for everyday purposes and is learned by
students living in English-speaking countries. |
TESOLTeaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Refers to the field of professionals who teach English in a country where
English is the primary language. |
TOEFLTest of English as a Foreign Language. An
English proficiency test for non-native English language speakers wishing to
enroll in U.S. universities. |
Top-DownLanguage learning that starts with an
understanding of language before proceeding to break down complex concepts into
the most basic parts of language. |
TPRTotal Physical Response. A teaching technique
whereby a learner responds to language input with body motions: “Stand up,” “Sit
down,” “Put the pen on the table.” This technique was devised by James Asher. |
TPRSTotal Physical Response Storytelling. Similar to
TPR, TPRS is a technique that gives opportunity for comprehensible input in the
classroom by using body motions and gestures. Through storytelling, TPRS
provides more context than TPR and also allows for grammar to be taught on a
limited scale. |
TTTTeacher Talking Time. The amount of time a teacher spends talking to his or her students.
In order for a student to learn better, the teacher should limit how much time
they talk in order to allow students to increase their amount of Student
Talking Time. |
UsageThe grammatical explanation of some part of language. |
Visual AidsLow- or high-tech materials used to supplement
written or spoken elements in lessons. Low-tech visual aids include materials
like word walls, magazine cut-outs, realia, and graphic organizers. High-tech
visual aids include materials like video, blogs, wikis, and video chat. |
Visual LearnersLearners who benefit more from visual
stimulation. Visual learners learn best when they see, as opposed to when they
hear. The implication for ESL teaching is that visual stimulation accompanying
lessons may have some benefit for some students. |
sound feature produced by the vibration of the larynx (vocal cords). Sounds are
voiceless when vibration is absent. For example, If you have your
students touch their larynx at the same time as saying /z/ or /v/, they will
feel a vibration. On the other hand, if they say /s/ or /f/, no vibration will
be felt. All English vowels are voiced, but some consonants are voiced while
others are not. |
Warm-upAn activity done at the beginning of a lesson in
order to greet students and engage them in the lesson. This might include
review of previously-learned material or activation of background knowledge and
schema for the current lesson. |
WikisWritings posted online can also allow multiple
users to add content and edit the work. Wikis can help facilitate collaborative
writing and group projects. |
Word StemThe free morpheme that serves as the main part
of a word; also called word root. |
Word StressThe emphasized syllable in a word. |
Word WallA low-tech classroom visual aid featuring key
vocabulary terms and possibly corresponding pictures for the current unit of
study. Categories of word walls include high-frequency words, literature-based
word walls, and content-area word walls. |