Monday, February 10, 2025, 11:30 AM
Site: Online TEFL Course Login | International TEFL Academy
Course: Online TEFL Course Login | International TEFL Academy (Home)
Glossary: ITA Online - Glossary
ScanningLooking for or listening for specific bits of
information to answer a query. |
SchemaA theory stating that a student brings in his or
her own knowledge and experiences when trying to read or listen to a
text/selection. |
SchwaSchwa /ǝ/ is the smallest English vowel sound.
It is the most frequent vowel sound in continuous (connected) speech, yet it
never carries stress. |
Second Language Acquisition (SLA)When ESL students are capable of internalizing
the new (second) language and communicating effectively. The educator needs to
implement modifications in classroom instruction until the second language
learner has mastered English. Speaking English for simple communication will
happen in the early acquisition stages; however, complete language acquisition
takes at least five to seven years. (see “Acquisition”) |
SegmentalsIndividual phonemes (i.e., sounds) of vowels and
consonants. |
Self-AssessmentProcedures by which learners evaluate their own
language skills and/or knowledge, allowing ESL students to assess their own
work and observe their progress. For example, a self-assessment form may be
used to record students’ thoughts and feelings about the presented work.
Students are given the responsibility to assess themselves and actively be a
part of their academic success. |
SemanticsThe meaning of language,
such as a word’s common synonyms, definition(s), and metaphorical meanings. |