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Site: Online TEFL Course Login | International TEFL Academy
Course: Online TEFL Course Login | International TEFL Academy (Home)
Glossary: ITA Online - Glossary
TaskAn activity where students are urged to solve
some problem using language. This activity is open-ended; there is no set way
to accomplish their goal. |
Task-Based LearningTeaching/learning a language by using language
to accomplish open-ended tasks. Learners are given an objective to accomplish
but are left with some freedom in determining how to complete the objective. |
Teacher ObservationAuthentic assessment that involves observing the
progress (or lack thereof) of language acquisition in the classroom. Notes are
commonly taken by the teacher during observations to discuss what was seen and
heard during classroom activities. This pertinent data can be presented during
student or parent conferences. |
Teacher-CenteredMethods, activities, and techniques where the
teacher decides what and how something is to be learned. |
TechniqueA specific tactic used to carry out a chosen
teaching method. |
TEFLTeaching English as a Foreign Language. Typically
geared toward learning the language for specific purposes such as business and
is learned by students living in non-English-speaking countries. |
TESLTeaching English as a Second Language. Typically
geared toward learning the language for everyday purposes and is learned by
students living in English-speaking countries. |
TESOLTeaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Refers to the field of professionals who teach English in a country where
English is the primary language. |
TOEFLTest of English as a Foreign Language. An
English proficiency test for non-native English language speakers wishing to
enroll in U.S. universities. |
Top-DownLanguage learning that starts with an
understanding of language before proceeding to break down complex concepts into
the most basic parts of language. |
TPRTotal Physical Response. A teaching technique
whereby a learner responds to language input with body motions: “Stand up,” “Sit
down,” “Put the pen on the table.” This technique was devised by James Asher. |
TPRSTotal Physical Response Storytelling. Similar to
TPR, TPRS is a technique that gives opportunity for comprehensible input in the
classroom by using body motions and gestures. Through storytelling, TPRS
provides more context than TPR and also allows for grammar to be taught on a
limited scale. |
TTTTeacher Talking Time. The amount of time a teacher spends talking to his or her students.
In order for a student to learn better, the teacher should limit how much time
they talk in order to allow students to increase their amount of Student
Talking Time. |