ITA Online - Glossary


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A group of words that, via usage, has established a special meaning apart from the individual words within; the idiom “let the cat out of the bag” has nothing to do with feline animals being released from captivity, but rather means “to reveal a secret.”

Immediate Feedback

Feedback provided at the moment something is uttered by a student, which has the benefit of directing student attention to an utterance right after it is spoken.

Indo-European Language Family

A language family of mostly European languages that consists of 10 main branches. English derives from one of the main branches, the Germanic branch. 

Inflectional Morpheme

A morpheme added to a word without changing the word’s part of speech.

Information Gap Activity

An activity in which one student knows something that the other doesn’t. Usually, students work in pairs and are given two worksheets with some information missing in worksheet A but present on worksheet B, and vice versa. Such gaps of information between learners give them a need and desire to communicate with each other.

Intensive Reading

Reading for details, such as vocabulary, main idea, inferences, and author’s tone and purpose.

Intesive Listening

Listening with a specific purpose in mind (i.e., listening for details and selective information).

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