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English for Speakers of Other Languages. This term is similar to ESL, but it has been argued that many students learn English as a third or fourth language and not necessarily as a second language, so ESL is not really accurate; therefore, some programs prefer to use the term ESOL.


English for Specific Purposes. This term refers to the vocabulary and English skills that students learn when they need to use English for only a specific purpose (e.g., in business contexts, BE/BFE, or at university, EAP).

Experiential Learning

A process of learning that encourages students to learn by doing and then reflect on that learning. Realia and authentic materials encourage experiential learning, as do activities like scavenger hunts, case studies, and role plays.

Extensive Listening

Listening for holistic ideas such as gist, context, speaker’s function, purpose, and attitude.

Extensive Reading

Reading for pleasure outside of the classroom, usually with texts that are below a student’s current level.


False Friend

A word that appears to be a cognate of a word in another language but is not; the Spanish word “embarazada” means pregnant and is, therefore, a false friend of the English word “embarrassed.”


Fluency is the ability to produce rapid, flowing, natural speech, without concern for grammatical correctness.

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