ITA Online - Glossary


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Family language, or mother tongue.


Second language, or a language that is not the mother.

Language Item

The smallest parts of a language, such as a new vocabulary word.

Language Skills

There are four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Listening and reading are receptive skills, while speaking and writing are productive skills.

Learning Strategies

Individual tasks or activities that help learners to foster independent learning or to engage in independent learning. There are direct strategies for managing language, and indirect strategies for learning in general.

Learning Styles

Term used to indicate individual student preferences for learning.

Lexical Item

A word, a phrase, or a number of words that can be considered to be a single item of vocabulary (e.g., bus, bus stop, school bus stop).

Lexical Set

A set of words that are connected in some way, usually by type (e.g., different items of clothing, vocabulary describing the weather, etc.).


Another word for “vocabulary.”

Lingua Franca

A language systematically used to make communication possible between people not sharing a first language.


Limit Teacher Talking Time. The idea that students should be more active in a lesson and do more of the talking.

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