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ITA Online - Glossary
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D |
Delayed FeedbackFeedback provided after the fact, once a student
has finished speaking. It allows a teacher to provide constructive comments without
interrupting student speech. | |
Diagnostic AssessmentAn assessment instrument or procedure that
attempts to diagnose, or identify, a learner’s strengths and weaknesses,
typically so that an efficient and appropriate course of instruction can be
presented. | |
DifferentiationA teaching approach in which different
instructional methods and techniques are implemented based on the individual
needs of learners. | |
Diphthong | |
Direct MethodA method of language learning associated with
Francois Gouin and Charles Berlitz. Second language learning should model first
language learning in that it should be learned directly; grammar is taught inductively with no explanations, the
learner’s first language is not used in the class, and new vocabulary is
introduced by demonstration. One of many highly idiosyncratic methods that were
developed in the 1970’s. | |
Discoursespeech or writing that connects multiple sentences with a clear communicative purpose | |